

The “purpose of GIFT City is – ‘To design a CBD that will serve as a paradigm for Next Class city in terms of quality of life, infrastructure and ambience aiming to be high-density and high-rise, treating land as a precious resource.’

GIFT City is located on the banks of Sabarmati River and is spread across 886 acres of land. It is designed with a futuristic approach. It professes sustained development with focus on environment and ecological balance. The purpose of setting up such an ecosystem is to develop a globally benchmarked integrated city and keep pace with modern technologies.

It also offers a testing ground for checking the efficacy of reforms and innovations in various fields including planning, infrastructure, environmental protection and so on.

The city also aims at providing world-class, comfortable living experience to its residents and fulfil their needs of safety, cleanliness, hygiene, education, amenities and a friendly culture.

GIFT is rightly called a smart city owing to technological adaptations which include low energy consumption, efficient waste management, district cooling system, uninterrupted power supply and much more.

GIFT City is an emerging global financial and IT services hub, a first of its kind in India. It is supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure encompassing all basic urban infrastructure elements along with an excellent external connectivity. Companies from Financial Services, Technology and other services sectors are the best occupants for the city.

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